Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Report Questions

1. What is SRW Package?
Ans: The Report builder Built in package know as SRW Package (Sql Report Writer) This package extends reports, Control report execution, output message at runtime, Initialize layout fields, Perform DDL statements used to create or Drop temporary table, Call User Exit, to format width of the columns, to page break the column, to set the colors
Ex: SRW.DO_SQL, It’s like DDL command, we can create table, views, etc,

2. What are Lexical Parameters and bind parameters?
Lexical Parameter is a Simple text string that to replace any part of a SELECT statement. Column names, the from clause, where clause or the order by clause. To create a lexical reference in a query we prefix the parameter name with an ampersand (ex. &.dname,)

3. What is User Parameters?
A parameter, which is created by user. For to restrict values with where clause in select statement.
Data type, width, input mask, initial value, validation trigger, list of values
We can use Lovs in use in user parameter with static and Dynamic Select Statement.

4. What is System Parameters: These are built-in parameters by corporation.
BACKGROUND: Is whether the report should run in the foreground or the background.
COPIES Is the number of report copies that should be made when the report is printed.
CURRENCY Is the symbol for the currency indicator (e.g., "$").

Ans: The Report builder Built in package know as SRW Package (Sql Report Writer) This package extends reports, Control report execution, output message at runtime, Initialize layout fields, Perform DDL statements used to create or Drop temporary table, Call User Exit, to format width of the columns, to page break the column, to set the colors
Ex: SRW.DO_SQL, It’s like DDL command, we can create table, views, etc,
2. What are Lexical Parameters and bind parameters?
Lexical Parameter is a Simple text string that to replace any part of a SELECT statement. Column names, the from clause, where clause or the order by clause. To create a lexical reference in a query we prefix the parameter name with an ampersand (ex. &.dname,)
3. What is User Parameters?
A parameter, which is created by user. For to restrict values with where clause in select statement.
Data type, width, input mask, initial value, validation trigger, list of values
We can use Lovs in use in user parameter with static and Dynamic Select Statement.
4. What is System Parameters: These are built-in parameters by corporation.
BACKGROUND: Is whether the report should run in the foreground or the background.
COPIES Is the number of report copies that should be made when the report is printed.
CURRENCY Is the symbol for the currency indicator (e.g., " $?).
DECIMAL Is the symbol for the decimal indicator (e.g., ".").
DESFORMAT Is the definition of the output device's format (e.g., landscape mode for a printer). This parameter is used when running a report in a character-mode environment, and when sending a bitmap report to a file (e.g. to create PDF or HTML output).
DESNAME Is the name of the output device (e.g., the file name, printer's name, mail userid).
DESTYPE Is the type of device to which to send the report output (screen, file, mail, printer, or
Screen using PostScript format).
MODE Is whether the report should run in character mode or bitmap.
ORIENTATION Is the print direction for the report (landscape, portrait, default).
PRINTJOB Is whether the Print Job dialog box should appear before the report is run.
THOUSANDS Is the symbol for the thousand's indicator (e.g., ",").

5. How many Types of Reports available in Reports
Tabular form-like form – letter Group left
Group above matrix Matrix with group Mailing label
Matrix Report: Simple, Group above, Nested
Simple Matrix Report required 4 groups
1. Cross Product Group
2. Row and Column Group
3. Cell Group
4. Cell column is the source of a cross product summary that becomes the cell content.
Frames: 1.Repeating frame for rows (down direction)
2. Repeating frame for columns (Across)
3. Matrix object the intersection of the two repeating frames

6. What Types of Triggers are Available in Reports.
Report level Triggers
Data Model Triggers
Layout Model Triggers
Report Level Triggers
Before parameter form: If u want take parameters passed to the report and manipulate them so that they appear differently in the parameter form., this is where modification can be done for ex: when u want pass a deptno but show the dname selected , use a before parameter form trigger.
After parameter form & Before Report: These two triggers are fired one after the other. No event occurs in between them. However the way the way that the reports product behaves when the triggers fail is quite different. If the After Parameter trigger fails the report will be put back into the parameter form. It’s useful to place code here to check whether values in your parameter form are valid. Even though the Before Report trigger is executed before the query runs, if this trigger fails it won’t fail until reports tries to display the first page of the report. This means that even if something goes wrong in the before report trigger (meaning that you may not want to run the query at all) It will run anyway
Between pages: This Trigger fires before all pages except first page one. It will not fire after the last page of a report. If a report only has one page it will not fire at all. You can use this trigger to send specific control to the change the paper orientation or to do double sided printing
After report: This trigger fires the report has printed or in the case of a screen report, after the report is closed following viewing. This trigger can be used to update a global variable if u r returning the number of pages in a report. It is also used to delete temporary table used to print the report
Data Model Triggers
Formula Column, Group Filter, Parameter values
Layout Model Triggers

7. What are Format triggers?
Format triggers enable you to modify the display of objects dynamically at run time or to suppress display altogether
For Headings, for repeating frames, for field, for boilerplate object
To format a column based on certain criteria for example
i) To format the max (Sal) for particular department.
ii) To format the Sal column with a Dollar ($) prefix.
iii) To format Date formats….etc

8. What is Data Model?
Data Model is logically group of the Report Objects through query and Data model tools. Once query is compiled report automatically generates group. The queries build the groups ant then Groups are used to populate the report. The only function of queries in report is to create the groups. The Report Editor's Data Model view enables you to define and modify the data model objects for a report. In this view, objects and their property settings are represented symbolically to highlight their types and relationships. To create the query objects for your data model, you can use the Report Wizard, Data Wizard, or the Query tools in the tool palette.

9. What is Layout model?
Layout Model is to physically arrange Data model group objects on the Report. The Report Editor's Layout Model view enables you to define and modify the layout model objects for a report. In this view, objects and their property settings are represented symbolically to highlight their types and relationships.

10 What is Live Previewer?
Ans: The Live Previewer is a work area in which you can preview your report and manipulate the actual or live data at the same time. In the Live Previewer you can customize reports interactively, meaning that you can see the results immediately as you make each change.
To activate buttons in the Live Previewer, you must display the report output in the Runtime Previewer. In order to edit your report, such as changing column size, move columns, align columns insert page numbers, edit text, change colors, change fonts set format masks, insert field the Live Previewer must be in Flex Mode.

Viewing region
Style bar
Tool palette
Status bar

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