Thursday, December 11, 2008

Generating the “.fmx” file

Generating the “.fmx” file from FMB

Logon To target instance using Telnet.
Give proper username and password
Change Directory ( cd /d01/oracle/visappl )
Invoke the Environment variable by issuing this command:
Switch to your folder where “.fmb” file is present by issuing this command: cd
Change the mode for the “.fmb” file by issuing this command
chmod 755 FORMNAME.fmb

Run the following command before generating the “.fmx” file

In order to Generate the “.Fmx “ file for the “.Fmb” file, issue the following command

f60gen module=FORMNAME.fmb userid=apps/apps output_file=FORMNAME.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special

Note: Type this command in a single line.

Now change the mode for the fmx file.
chmod 755 FORMNAME.fmx

Now copy this “.fmb” and “.fmx” files to the US directory.

For this we have to give the command as
cp FORMNAME.* /d01/oracle/visappl/cust/1.0/forms/US

We have successfully generated the “.fmx” file for the “.fmb” file, and also we have copied both these files in the US directory.

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