Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Time Card Creation

Time Card Creation

Patcard Creation steps for i2 technologies client

As i2 do not have OTL implemented so all the time cards created will be saved in pa tables only.

Go to responsibility @webtimecards--- Create New Timecard
Select project and other details and enter the time details for the week and submit the time cards , you will get the Time card number once you submitted.

The above information is saves in Pa_expenditures_all table and the lines details are saved in the internediate interface tables once you go to the
PA Super User ---Expenditures---Transaction Import ---Import Transactions
here select 'PRC: Transaction Import' select Transaction source as "Oracle Self Service Time" and Btach Name we need to take from pa_expenditures_all table USER_BATCH_NAME and submit the program.

Once Submitted the records will be inserted into select * from pa_expenditure_items_all table

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3 C's.(Set of books)

Set of books determines the functional Currency, Chart of account structure, and
accounting Calendar for each company or group of companies, which are known as the 3 C's.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Select data with a hierarchical (parent/child) relationship.

Select data with a hierarchical (parent/child) relationship.


[START WITH initial_condition]
CONNECT BY [nocycle] PRIOR recurse_condition
[ORDER SIBLINGS BY order_by_clause]


START WITH : The row(s) to be used as the root of the hierarchy

CONNECT BY : Condition that identifies the relationship between
parent and child rows of the hierarchy

NOCYCLE : Do not circle around loops (where the current row has
a child which is also its ancestor.)

ORDER SIBLINGS BY : Preserve ordering of the hierarchical query
then apply the order_by_clause to the sibling rows

create table test_connect_by (
Level1 varchar2(100),
Item varchar2(100)

Sample Data


0 123
1 345
2 678
1 987
0 666

Inserted above values in the table

insert into test_connect_by values(0,666);

select * from test_connect_by


0 123
1 345
2 678
1 987
0 666

select * from test_connect_by
connect by prior item=level1


0 123
0 666
1 345
1 987
2 678


Script to check Responsibilities assigned to particular user or users assigned for particular resposibility or all users and their responsibilities

Script to check Responsibilities assigned to particular user or users assigned for particular resposibility or all users and their responsibilities in oracle

SELECT fu.user_id, fu.user_name, fur.responsibility_id,
FROM fnd_user fu, fnd_user_resp_groups fur, fnd_responsibility_vl fr
WHERE fu.user_id = fur.user_id
AND fr.application_id = fur.responsibility_application_id
AND fr.responsibility_id = fur.responsibility_id
AND TRUNC (NVL ((fr.end_date - 1), SYSDATE))
AND TRUNC (NVL ((fur.end_date - 1), SYSDATE))
and user_name like 'SAIRAM_GOUD' --- for all user or for perticular user
-- AND fur.responsibility_application_id = 275 -- to check users for perticular responsibility
order by user_name

Script To find Oracle API's for any module

Following script and get all the packages related to API in Oracle applications, from which you can select APIs that pertain to AP. You can change the name like to PA or AR and can check for different modules

select substr(a.OWNER,1,20)
, substr(a.NAME,1,30)
, substr(a.TYPE,1,20)
, substr(u.status,1,10) Stat
, u.last_ddl_time
, substr(text,1,80) Description
from dba_source a, dba_objects u
and u.object_name =
and a.text like '%Header%'
and a.type = u.object_type
and like 'PA_%API%'
order by

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Project Expense Report Account Generator workflow process

If using a custom Project Expense Report Account Generator workflow process:

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Set the profile option 'Account Generator:Run in Debug Mode' = 'Yes'. This will persist the
workflow data so that the custom Account Generator workflow can be debugged.

2. Bounce the Apache server.

3. Reproduce the error. The custom Project Expense Report Account Generator workflow process can now be viewed through the workflow monitor.

4. Resolve the issue with the custom Project Expense Report Account Generator

5. After the issue has been resolved, the employees whose expense reports have failed with this
error should withdraw and resubmit their expense reports.

Expense report workflow errors ( WFENG_NOTIFICATION_PERFORMER )

Expense report workflow errors ( WFENG_NOTIFICATION_PERFORMER )

Failed Activity Inform Individual of Expense Allocations Failure
Activity Type Notice
Error Message 3120: Activity 'APEXP/301116' has no performer.
Error Stack Wf_Engine_Util.Notification_Send(APEXP, 550307, 301116, APEXP:OIE_AP_EXP_ALLOCATIONS_FAILURE) Wf_Engine_Util.Notification(APEXP, 550307, 301116, RUN)

For the above error we need to cross check the setup for that employee who has filed the expense report

select * from gl_sets_of_books

select * from per_employees_x
where EMPLOYEE_ID=72546


and from the above cross check concatnated segments all are defined correctly or not

and you can go to HR super user and find the employee and click on Assignment buttion and from their select purchase order information where you can find the segmnents change accordigly and now file new expense report which will be in success.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oracle Workflow tables:

Oracle Workflow tables:

WF_ACTIVITIES table stores the definition of an activity. Activities
can be processes, notifications, functions or folders. A process activity
is a modelled workflow process, which can be included as an activity in
other processes to represent a subprocess. A notification activity
sends a message to a performer. A functions activity performs an
automated function that is written as a PL/SQL stored procedure.
A folder activity is not part of a process, it provides a means of grouping activities.

WF_ITEMS is the runtime table for workflow processes. Each row
defines one work item within the system.

WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES table stores definitions of attributes
associated with a process. Each row includes the sequence in which
the attribute is used as well as the format of the attribute data.

WF_NOTIFICATIONS holds the runtime information about a specific
instance of a sent message. A new row is created in the table each time
a message is sent.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

AP Standard Expense Report Process (Expense report workflow error)

AP Standard Expense Report Process

Request Approval from APPROVER Error

Failed Activity Request Approval from APPROVER
Activity Type Notice
Error Message 3120: Activity 'APEXP/301347' has no performer.
Error Stack Wf_Engine_Util.Notification_Send(APEXP, 549406, 301347, APEXP:OIE_REQ_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPRVL) Wf_Engine_Util.Notification(APEXP, 549406, 301347, RUN)


For the errors with 'no performer' for 'Request Approval from APPROVER' Activity we should not restart the process, first we need to update the attribute values and then we can restart the process.

Once we open the workflow notification click on 'Activities History' and below we will have "Update Attributes" Button click on that and we will have fields with

Approver ID
Approver Name
Approver Display Name

Update above fields with proper values and Click on Apply Button , it will prompt with message
"Confirmation The workflow-level attribute values have been updated."

Now go to "Monitor Activities History" window and cilck the " Request Approval from APPROVER" Button and Re-start the workflow now the workfow will route to correct person and will be in Active state.