Friday, May 23, 2014

IBY_0002: Duplicate orderid (IBY_0002) Error Data Fix

IBY_0002: Duplicate orderid (IBY_0002)  Data Fix

1. ) Backup of the table iby_Trxn_summaries_all and run the following update for one particular line

update iby_Trxn_summaries_all summ set status = 14, last_update_date=sysdate,
object_version_number=-999, last_updated_by= 18765906
where summ.tangibleid = 'ONT8083' and trxntypeid = 2 and status = 0;

(The above update is corresponding to Lineid# 3819589, HeaderId# 1337983)

2) Now, try to process the line and see how it goes.

3) If this approach works and if you are able to process the line, you can go ahead and run the following generic fix

update iby_Trxn_summaries_all summ set status = 14, last_update_date=sysdate,
object_version_number=-999, last_updated_by= 18765906
where trxntypeid = 2 and status = 0 and initiator_extension_id is null and
not exists (select 'Y' from iby_fndcpt_tx_operations op where
summ.transactionid = op.transactionid);

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