Friday, June 26, 2009

How to block Auto Approval of PurchaseRequisition created by preparer, and it should route to his manager for approval,though preparer has approval

How to block Auto Approval of PurchaseRequisition created by preparer, and it should route to his manager for approval,though preparer has approval Authority

Navigation to change the setup as below

PO Super User--->Setup--->Purchasing--->Document Types (Select Purchase Requisition)

Now uncheck the Attribute (Owner Can Approve). Save the work and close the form.

Once the above setup is done, no preparer can approve the requisitions he created rather it will route to his manager, though he has Approval Authority.

steps are involved while making payments, checkrun and generation of payment notifications

The following steps are involved while making payments, checkrun and generation of payment notifications:

1. Create Invoices
Navigation: AP Super User -->Invoices-->Entry-->Invoice Batches
Validate the above Invoices Through 'Actions' / Release Holds if any exist.

2. Create Payment Batch
Navigation: AP Super User -->Payments-->Entry-->Payment Batches
Actions --> Select Invoices
Actions --> Build Payments
Once the above steps are done Requery the Payment Batch and Click 'Payment' Button to Build Payments

3. Requery Payment Batch in 'Payment Batch Window' and perform below steps one by one after completion of Concurrent requests generated by the same
Actions --> Build Payments
Actions --> Format Payments
Actions --> Confirm Payment Batch

The Payment Notifications are generated in the 'Actions --> Confirm Payment Batch' step, when the Payment Batch is confirmed.

A trigger is executed when 'AP_INV_SELECTION_CRITERIA_ALL' table is updated with STATUS = 'CONFIRMED' and if the PAYMENT_METHOD_LOOKUP_CODE = 'EFT'.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How to Kill the session when there is a lock on the objects you are working in TOAD or Sqlplus

How to Kill the session when there is a lock on the objects you are working in TOAD or Sqlplus

select * from V$SESSION
where OSUSER like 'c_sgoud' -- User name of the terminal ( may be your windows login name )

Alter system kill session '146,46619'

select sid, serial# from v$session where username = 'USER';

alter system kill session 'SID,SERIAL#';

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oracle Table to Find Approval Limits for any person

Oracle Table to Find Approval Limits for any person


query with person_id