Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Receipt Workbench Error: Applying Receipt Generates Workflow Notification With Error - Local Event Error: oracle.apps.ar.applications.cashapp.apply

Receipt Workbench Error: Applying Receipt Generates Workflow Notification With Error - Local Event Error: oracle.apps.ar.applications.cashapp.apply
On : 12.1.1 version, Receipts Related

When attempting to apply a receipt, a notification is generated with the following error:

Local Event ERROR : oracle.apps.ar.applications.CashApp.apply
Event Error Message: No Event Subscriptions exist for this Event

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Receipts > Receipts
Apply a receipt to an invoice

Due to this issue, SYSADMIN mailbox is getting hundreds of notifications daily and  you are not sure whether the error requires an action from you to fix, or can be ignored.
Upgraded to 12.1.1
FND Debug log generated via Note:433199.1 How to enable and retrieve debug log messages shows the following:

Start executing rule function - PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION.Receive_BE [Start time 1301086012]
End executing rule function - PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION.Receive_BE [End time 1301086014] [Time taken - .02 secs]
Executed Rule Function PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION.Receive_BE and returned ERROR
saving event to WF_ERROR on TST.LAKECO.ORG

This is worked in unpublished Bug 8869818 and Bug 8993957 GSI R12.1.1 WFERROR GENERATED FOR "PA AR NOTIFICATION" (PAPWPAR). In the bug it says:

WFERROR is generated for "PA AR Notification"(PAPWPAR) even when the functionality is not in use( "AR Receipt Notification" is disabled
Automatic receipt creation program in AR triggers the Business event oracle.apps.ar.applications.CashApp.apply, this in turn triggers the subscription API PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION.Receive_BE in synchronous mode. In API PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION.Receive_BE
apps_inititalize was called which was resetting the context already set by AR program. This resetting of context was clearing out the request_id from the global variables and was causing performance impact in AR process.

If you do not need the PA AR Notification subscription then you can disable it as follows:

First login as SYSADMIN (you must have SYSADMIN privileges in order to update)

Responsibility: Workflow Administrator Web Applications
Navigation: Administrator Workflow > Business Events
- In Name field for search criteria enter 'oracle.apps.ar.applications.CashApp.apply'
- (B) Click Go
- It will show you one even under Results
- Under Subscription column, click on Subscription icon
- Go to update subscription "PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION.Receive_BE"
- Select Disable
- Apply
- This will disable the notifications to PA manager and will also bypass the call made to this particular API.

How To Change Font Type And Size Of Oracle Application Forms

How To Change Font Type And Size Of Oracle Application Forms

Oracle Applications Technology Stack - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5.10 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 10-OCT-2016

Is there a way to change the 6i Forms Font Type and Size in 11i Oracle Applications?


1. Oracle 11i Applications does not support the changing of the 6i Forms fonts.

2. We do support the standard windows functionality of Large and Small (standard) fonts in 11i Forms as part of our accessibility support. This is set through the windows control panel. Large fonts runs with a clientDPI of 120, Small fonts with a clientDPI of 96. If using Large fonts, everything in the Forms UI is bigger, so a window that just fitted with standard fonts may be too big to see everything all at once, since making the fonts bigger also makes the window bigger. So there is a trade off.

Before starting the Oracle 11i Applications, set the Font size on the Desktop/PC. The default/standard Font size on most Desktop/PC's is set to Small. To change the font size to Large on a Windows 2000 Desktop, open the Control Panel on the Desktop, then navigate to: Display > Settings > Advanced > General. Use the drop down to change the Font Size to 'Large Fonts'. (note: If the Large font is not installed on the PC, you will need the OS installation CD to install the Large fonts)
Apply the changes

One may want to play around with the Display settings to find the best setting for your monitor. (Control Panel > Display > Settings > Screen Area 1024x768, 1280x1024, ...)

NOTE: Do not update the windowsDPI in the fnd_top/resource/appsweb.cfg file. We do not support altering the clientDPI through the Forms configuration files. With standard windows dots per logical inch (DPI), the form layout is designed to work with
the available fonts on a particular client platform. Once you start changing the DPI, the font point size chosen as the best fit may not work and font clipping can occur.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Oracle Apps Content Module SQL Query

Oracle Apps Content Module SQL Query   to check files mis match

SELECT CV.citem_id, CV.attach_file_name, fl.file_name, CV.created_by,
CV.last_updated_by, creation_date, last_update_date, CV.citem_ver_id,
CV.live_citem_ver_id, VERSION, version_status
FROM ibc_citems_v CV, fnd_lobs fl
WHERE fl.file_id = CV.attach_fid AND CV.attach_file_name <> fl.file_name

Monday, August 8, 2016

Sales Order Process Constraint SQL Query

SELECT   cc.constraint_id, c.constraint_id, e.entity_display_name entity,
         c.column_display_name ATTRIBUTE, l1.meaning opeartion,
         l2.meaning user_action, l4.meaning seeded, cc.group_number,
         l3.meaning SCOPE, cc.validation_entity_display_name val_entity,
         cc.record_set_display_name record_set,
         DECODE (cc.modifier_flag, 'Y', NULL, '        ') modifier,
         cc.validation_tmplt_display_name val_template,
         l5.meaning seeded_flag
    FROM oe_pc_constraints_v c,
         oe_pc_entities_v e,
         oe_pc_constraint_cnds_v cc,
         oe_lookups l1,
         oe_lookups l2,
         oe_lookups l3,
         oe_lookups l4,
         oe_lookups l5
   WHERE c.entity_id = e.entity_id(+)
     AND l1.lookup_code(+) = c.constrained_operation
     AND l1.lookup_type(+) = 'PC_OPERATION'
     AND l2.lookup_code(+) = c.on_operation_action
     AND l2.lookup_type(+) = 'PC_ON_OPERATION_ACTION'
     AND l4.lookup_code(+) = c.system_flag
     AND l4.lookup_type(+) = 'YES_NO'
     AND c.constraint_id = cc.constraint_id(+)
     AND l3.lookup_code(+) = cc.scope_op
     AND l3.lookup_type(+) = 'PC_SCOPE_OP'
     AND l5.lookup_code(+) = cc.system_flag
     AND l5.lookup_type(+) = 'YES_NO'
     AND e.entity_display_name = 'Order Line'
     AND l1.meaning = 'Cancel'
     --   and cc.validation_tmplt_display_name='Cancel Line'
     AND l2.meaning LIKE 'Require Reason, History and Raise Integration Event'
ORDER BY e.entity_display_name,
         NVL (l1.meaning, 'A'),
         NVL (c.column_display_name, 'A'),

Thursday, June 2, 2016

SQL Query to get City, County, State, Zip Code

SELECT geography_element4 city, geography_element3 county,
       geography_element2_code state, geography_element5 zip_code,
       geography_element1_code country
  FROM hz_geographies
 WHERE geography_element5_id = geography_id AND geography_element1_code = 'US';

Friday, May 13, 2016

HTML Tags when updating Service now tickets

Project Number Setup

 Projects Implementation Superuser --> Setup --> System --> Implementation Option