Thursday, November 20, 2014

How does one set up a specific user to only have Create Class and Enroll Learners in a class functionality?

How does one set up a specific user to only have Create Class and Enroll Learners in a class functionality?


The simplest solution is to use the Learning Instructor Self-Service responsibility.

Here are some items to verify and additional notes are referenced at the end of this document.
Basically, Instructor must be either an Employee or Contracted Worker (contingent worker)
They must be active at the time they are attempting to log in.
They must be assigned to an organization within the same hierarchy the learning administrator belongs to
They must have a USER Log in that lists them as the person tied to that user.
They must have the responsibility "Learning Instructor Self-Service"
They must be defined in Learning management as a Resource Type of Trainer.

Things to check:

1) HR Manager Responsibility
People > Enter and Maintain
a) Employee exists and is active (not terminated)
b) Org is filled in on Assignment form (Assignment button)
Work Structures > Hierarchy
c) Org Exists in Hierarchy
Security > Profiles
d) Find the Security Profile(s) that currently exist in the system. In this case it should have the PRIMARY box checked.

2) System Administrator
Security > User > Define
a) USER record is tied to the Employee created in (1).
b) USER has the "Learning Instructor Self-Service" responsibility
Profiles > System
c) System Profile "HR: Security Profile" MUST include the correct security profile that was created and includes the Hierarchy verified in (1.c) above.
d) System Profile: "OTA: Global Business Group", should also be set to the correct business group

3) Learning Administrator
a) Trainer Resource is created for this USER
b) PERSON field is filled in using the same person name as is tied to the user created in (2).
c) The Resource Type MUST be the seeded "Trainer" type.
This CANNOT be a user created value.

4) Log in as the USER created in (2)
There should be no error like:
"The application does not recognize you, so you cannot access Instructor Home Page. Contact
your system administrator."

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Expenses Workflow Errors with is not a valid role or user name

The Expenses workflow errors out when sending the Inform Preparer Expense Report Approval Notification with Error:

Inform Preparer Expense Report Approval #EXCEPTION WFNTF_ROLE
3205: '' is not a valid role or user name.

Wf_Engine_Util.Notification_Send(APEXP, 19006, 61417, APEXP:MSG_EXP_REPORT_MGR_APPROVED)
Wf_Engine_Util.Notification(APEXP, 19006, 61417, RUN)
Workflow Tables are out of sync.
1. Please login to the System Administrator responsibility:
-Requests -> Run
-Name = 'Synchonize WF LOCAL tables'
-Parameters: Orig System = 'ALL'
2. Retest with a new Expense Report.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

mtl_secondary_inventories mtl_material_statuses_tl

SELECT msi.secondary_inventory_name, msi.organization_id, msi.description,
       mmst.status_code, mmst.description
  FROM mtl_secondary_inventories msi, mtl_material_statuses_tl mmst
 WHERE 1 = 1 AND msi.status_id = mmst.status_id

SELECT DISTINCT site.organization_code, sub.secondary_inventory_name, sub.*
           FROM apps.mtl_secondary_inventories sub, apps.mtl_parameters site
          WHERE sub.secondary_inventory_name LIKE 'ISO003208%'
            AND sub.organization_id = site.organization_id
       ORDER BY sub.secondary_inventory_name;