Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Browser Tricks

Browser Tricks

1. Quick jump to Web Site IE
Type just the Internet domain name in the URL Address field and hold down ctrl enter keys.
This will fill in www as the machine name and TLD .com

2. Quick jump to Web Site Part II IE
Type go ebay in the URL address field.
This will go to MSN search page site and select the best match.

3. Presentation Mode IE
Select the F11 function key to enter Presentation mode.
Select the F11 function key to toggle back.

4. Resize Text Size IE
Hold down ctrl key and move the wheel on the mouse.
The page text will enlarge or shrink.

5. Page forward and back IE
Hold down shift key and move the wheel on the mouse.
This will page forward or backward through the pages selected.

6. Quick jump to the addresses IE
Select the alt and D keys together.
This will select the URL address field.

7. Page scroll using mouse wheel button IE
Push down on the mouse wheel button and slide the whole mouse up and down.
This will page up and down the screen.

8. Select visited web site addresses IE
Select the F4 function key.
This will show a listing of sites you have visited for selection.

9. Refresh the page IE and Netscape 6
Select the F5 function key.
This will refresh the current page.

10. Quick Search IE
In the address field type find or ? then your topic or keyword
This will go to MSN search engine and search on your topic.

11. Quick Search part II IE
Select the F3 function key.
This will display the left side search column box.

12. Open a New IE Window
Enter Control N
A new IE browser window will appear.

13. Open a New IE Window with One Click
Hold down shift and click on the link.
A new IE browser window will appear.

14. Page forward and back using arrow keys IE
Hold Alt button and use the arrow keys to page foward and back.

15. Stop flashing images IE
Find a site that has flashing images About.com
After the page loads select the Esc button.

16. Get to Your Favorites with Keyboard Shortcut IE
Enter Control-I will bring up your left pane favorites.
Enter Control-I will make it disappear
Enter Control-B to organize your favorites

17. Print Part of a Web Page IE
Select the area you want to print with your mouse.
Select the print option from the menu bar - not the print icon.
Change the print range area to selection

CTRL+A: Select all
CTRL+C: Copy
CTRL+V: Paste
CTRL+F: Find
CTRL+E: Search
CTRL+W: Close window
CTRL+N: New browser window
CTRL+R: Refresh web page
CTRL+O: new location - esc to close
CTRL+D: quickly save a Web page to your Favorites list
CTRL+I: Favorites
CTRL+P: Print the page
CTRL+H: History
CTRL+tab: goto URL Address field
Alt+Spacebar+X: Window Maximize
Alt+Spacebar+R: Window Restore
Alt+Spacebar+N: Window Minimize
Home key: beginning of page
End key: bottom of page
Backspace key: move back a page.
CTRL+LEFT+ARROW quickly move the cursor back between parts of the address.
Previous pages quickly, click the small down arrow to the right of the Back button.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Queries for Reconciliation Issue

The following are some useful queries that may help you to further analyze why you have a Reconciliation Issue.

QR23 - Run this SQL script to determine the Segment from a CCID

select concatenated_segments from gl_code_combinations_kfv
where code_combination_id=52261

QR24 - Run this SQL script to determine the Batch ID for a Group

select je_batch_id from gl_je_batches where group_id=2068553

QR25 - Run this SQL script to list the Amounts in the
SLA table for all Manual (YTD) transactions

select /*+ parallel(l) parallel(h) parallel(gl) leading(h) */
sum(nvl(entered_dr,0)),sum(nvl(entered_cr,0))-sum(nvl(entered_dr,0)), currency_code
from xla_ae_headers h, xla_ae_lines l, gl_code_combinations_kfv gl
where gl.code_combination_id = l.code_combination_id and
h.application_id = 200
and l.application_id = h.application_id
and l.ae_header_id = h.ae_header_id
and h.accounting_date between to_date('01-JUL-2007','DD-MON-YYYY') AND
to_date('31-MAR-2008','DD-MON-YYYY') -- <>
and h.ledger_id = 1 <>
AND h.gl_transfer_status_code='Y'
AND h.accounting_entry_status_code='F'
AND l.code_combination_id = 112771 <>
and h.event_type_code='MANUAL'
and h.application_id=200
and h.balance_type_code='A'
group by l.code_combination_id, gl.concatenated_segments, currency_code

QR26 - Run this SQL script to list all transactions that are marked as transferred from SLA, but is not present in the GL

SELECT l.ae_header_id, l.gl_sl_link_id, l.gl_sl_link_table
FROM xla_ae_lines l, xla_ae_headers h WHERE
l.application_id=h.application_id AND
l.ae_header_id=h.ae_header_id AND
h.application_id=:p_application_id AND
h.ledger_id= :p_ledger_id AND
h.upg_batch_id IS NULL AND
h.gl_transfer_status_code='Y' AND
h.accounting_entry_status_code='F' AND
h.accounting_date BETWEEN :p_period_start_date AND :p_period_end_date AND
h.event_type_code <> ' MANUAL'
(SELECT 1 FROM gl_import_references ir , gl_je_headers gh
WHERE ir.gl_sl_link_id=l.gl_sl_link_id AND
ir.gl_sl_link_table=l.gl_sl_link_table AND
ir.je_header_id=gh.je_header_id AND
ir.je_batch_id=gh.je_batch_id AND

QR27 - Run this SQL script periodically to check for multiple postings

select distinct a.gl_sl_link_id, a.gl_sl_link_table
from gl_import_references a
where (a.gl_sl_link_id,a.gl_sl_link_table) in
(select distinct gl_sl_link_id, gl_sl_link_table
from xla_ae_headers xah ,xla_ae_lines xal
where xah.application_id = xal.application_id
and xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
and xah.ledger_id= :ledger_id
and xah.application_id =:appl_id -- 200 for AP, 222 for AR etc.
and xah.accounting_entry_status_code='F'
and xah.accounting_date between :p_start and :p_end)
and exists (select 1 from gl_je_headers gh
where gh.je_batch_id = a.je_batch_id
and gh.je_header_id = a.je_header_id
and gh.ledger_id >0
and nvl(gh.accrual_rev_je_header_id,0) =0
group by a.gl_sl_link_id, a.gl_sl_link_table
having count(*) > 1

QR28 - Run this SQL script to identify where the GL_SL_LINK_ID
is in GL but not in SLA, for a batch or period.

select imp.gl_sl_link_id
from gl_import_references imp, gl_je_lines gl
where gl.je_header_id=imp.je_header_id and
and code_combination_id=52261
and gl.je_header_id in
(select je_header_id from gl_je_headers where --je_batch_id=2586374
je_source='Payables' and ledger_id=2
and je_source ='Payables' and posted_date is NOT NULL
and actual_flag='A'
and period_name in ('Jan-08','Feb-08','Mar-08','Apr-08') )
and not exists
(select 1 from xla_ae_lines where gl_sl_link_id=imp.gl_sl_link_id
and gl_sl_link_table='XLAJEL') and imp.gl_sl_link_id is not null

QR29 - Run this SQL script to list all the Batches with Null Group IDs:

select je_batch_id from gl_je_batches where group_id is null
and je_batch_id in
(select distinct je_batch_id from gl_je_headers
where ledger_id=2 and je_source='Payables' and status='P'
and period_name='Jan-08')

R12 Queries SLA tables

To get the sum from the SLA tables.

QR13 - Sum from the SLA Tables

select /*+ parallel(xal) parallel(xah) leading(xah) */ sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0)) -sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) diff, currency_code
from xla_ae_lines xal, xla_Ae_headers xah
where xal.accounting_class_code = 'LIABILITY'
and xal.code_combination_id =15151 <>
and xal.application_id = 200
and xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
and xal.application_id =xah.application_id
and xah.ledger_id = 1 <>
and xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
and xah.accounting_entry_status_code='F'
and xah.balance_type_code='A'
and (xah.upg_batch_id is null or xah.upg_batch_id=-9999) -- will help ignore upgraded data
and xah.accounting_date between '01-MAR-2008' and '31-MAR-2008' <>
group by currency_code

R12.B) To get the sum from the GL tables

QR14 - Sum from the GL Tables

select l.code_combination_id ccid,k.concatenated_segments,
sum(nvl(l.accounted_cr, 0))- sum(nvl(l.accounted_dr,0)) diff,
from gl.gl_je_headers h
, gl.gl_je_lines l
,gl_code_combinations_kfv k
where h.currency_code = 'USD'
and l.ledger_id = 1 <>
and l.code_combination_id = k.code_combination_id
and h.je_header_id = l.je_header_id
and h.actual_flag = 'A'
and h.je_from_sla_flag= 'Y' -- will help ingore upgraded data
and l.code_combination_id = 15151 <>
and h.je_source = 'Payables'
and h.period_name in ('MAR-08') <>
group by l.code_combination_id, k.concatenated_segments, currency_code

R12.A and R12.B should match per CCID, currency within the period. If it does, check per period, per CCID, per currency--This should be the difference between XAL and XTB.

QR15 - To get the difference from SLA Lines table per CCID and currency

select /*+ parallel (xah,xal) leading(xah) */ sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0)) -sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) diff, currency_code
from xla_ae_lines xal, xla_ae_headers xah
where xal.accounting_class_code = 'LIABILITY'
and xah.event_type_code <> 'MANUAL'
and xal.code_combination_id =15011 -- i/p def code
and xal.application_id = 200
and xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
and xal.application_id =xah.application_id
and xah.ledger_id = 1
and xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
and xah.accounting_entry_status_code='F'
and xah.accounting_date between '01-MAR-2008' and '31-MAR-2008'
group by currency_code

Note: In the following SQL query, we have introduced another filter--event_class_code.
This is done in order to remove the UNDO ACCOUNTING datafix entries. Read the section, Understanding how UNDO Accounting can impact Reconciliation, for more details. Such entries will match in SLA-to-GJL lines comparison, but will not match between XAL-to-XTB

QR16 - Get the XTB Difference

select SUM(NVL(ACCTD_ROUNDED_CR,0)) - SUM(NVL(ACCTD_ROUNDED_DR,0)) diff, trx_currency_code
from xla_trial_balances xtb
where definition_code = &definition_code
and code_combination_id=15011
and gl_date between '01-MAR-2008' and '31-MAR-2008'
group by trx_currency_code

The Difference of the sum of Credit-Debit for the CCID/Currency combination in XAL (lines) should match the difference of the Sum Credit-Debit for the CCID/Transaction Currency in XTB, assuming all LIABILITY CCIDs are defined in the Trial Balance Definition.

QR17 - Get the difference from the SLA Lines table per CCID and currency

select /*+ parallel (xah,xal) leading(xah) */ sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0)) -sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) diff, currency_code, entity_id
from xla_ae_lines xal, xla_Ae_headers xah
where xal.accounting_class_code = 'LIABILITY'
and xal.code_combination_id =15011
-- i/p def code
and xal.application_id = 200
and xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
and xal.application_id =xah.application_id
and xah.ledger_id = 1
and xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
and xah.accounting_entry_status_code='F'
and xah.accounting_date between '01-MAR-2008' and '31-MAR-2008'
group by entity_id, currency_code,entity_id

QR18 - Get the difference from the XTB table

select SUM(NVL(ACCTD_ROUNDED_CR,0)) - SUM(NVL(ACCTD_ROUNDED_DR,0)) diff, trx_currency_code, source_entity_id
from xla_trial_balances xtb
where definition_code = &definition_code
and code_combination_id=15011
and gl_date between '01-MAR-2008' and '31-MAR-2008'
group by trx_currency_code, source_entity_id

If R12.A and R12.B do not match per CCID and currency within a period, then investigate the batches within that period from SLA and compare the amounts in SLA and GL using the group_id. This may not always work as the group_id sometimes gets deleted from GL.

QR19 - SLA query considering the SLA Manual entries

select /*+ parallel(xal) parallel(xah) leading(xah) */
--xah.entity_id source_entity_id,
sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0)) -sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)) diff , xah.group_id
from xla_ae_lines xal, xla_Ae_headers xah
where xal.accounting_class_code = 'LIABILITY' and xah.event_type_code <> 'MANUAL'
and xal.code_combination_id =52261
and xal.application_id = 200
and xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
and xal.application_id =xah.application_id
and xah.ledger_id = 2
and xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
and xah.accounting_entry_status_code='F'
and xah.balance_type_code='A'
group by xah.group_id

QR20 - GL query for amounts per Group ID

select 'GL' Module, b.group_id,
SUM(NVL(accounted_cr,0)) - SUM(NVL(accounted_dr,0)) diff_acc
from apps.gl_je_headers a, apps.gl_je_batches b,apps.gl_je_lines c
and a.je_batch_id=b.je_batch_id
and c.ledger_id=2
and a.posted_date is NOT NULL
and a.je_source ='Payables'
and a.actual_flag='A' and c.code_combination_id=52261
group by b.group_id;

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Queryies for Inventory Transactions Pending

Inventory Transactions

a. Stuck interface transactions (Group By)

PROMPT Stuck Transactions - GroupBy MTI
select transaction_type_id, organization_id, substr(error_code, 1, 30),
substr(error_explanation, 1, 50), to_char(transaction_date, 'YYYY-MM'),
from mtl_transactions_interface
group by transaction_type_id, organization_id, to_char(transaction_date, 'YYYY-MM'),
substr(error_code, 1, 30), substr(error_explanation, 1, 50);

b. Stuck pending transactions (Group By)

PROMPT Stuck Transactions - GroupBy MMTT
select transaction_type_id, organization_id, substr(error_code, 1, 30),
substr(error_explanation, 1, 50), to_char(transaction_date, 'YYYY-MM'),
from mtl_material_transactions_temp
group by transaction_type_id, organization_id, to_char(transaction_date, 'YYYY-MM'),
substr(error_code, 1, 30), substr(error_explanation, 1, 50);

c. Stuck move order transactions (Group By)

PROMPT Stuck Transactions - GroupBy Move Order
select transaction_type_id, to_char(transaction_date,'YYYY-MON'),
decode(transaction_status,2,'Untransacted Move order', transaction_status),
error_code, error_explanation,
from mtl_material_transactions_temp
where organization_id = &Org_id
group by transaction_type_id, to_char(transaction_date,'YYYY-MON'),
decode(transaction_status,2,'Untransacted Move order', transaction_status),
error_code, error_explanation;

d. Uncosted transactions (Group By)

PROMPT Uncosted Transactions - GroupBy MMT
select transaction_type_id, organization_id, costed_flag,
to_char(transaction_date, 'YYYY-MM'), error_code, substr(error_explanation, 1, 50),
from mtl_material_transactions
where costed_flag IN ('N','E')
group by transaction_type_id, organization_id, costed_flag, to_char(transaction_date, 'YYYY-MM'),
error_code, substr(error_explanation, 1, 50);

e. Dump information about transaction tables

PROMPT Stuck Transactions Dump - MTI
select transaction_interface_id, inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code,
locator_id, revision, transaction_quantity, transaction_date, transaction_type_id,
transaction_source_id, transfer_subinventory, transfer_locator,
trx_source_line_id, cost_group_id, process_flag, lock_flag, transaction_mode,
error_explanation, error_code
from mtl_transactions_interface
order by transaction_source_id, trx_source_line_id;

PROMPT Stuck Transactions Dump - MMTT
select transaction_temp_id, inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code, locator_id, revision,
transaction_quantity, transaction_date, transaction_type_id, transaction_source_id, transfer_subinventory,
transfer_to_location, trx_source_line_id, cost_group_id, process_flag, lock_flag, transaction_mode,
error_explanation, error_code
from mtl_material_transactions_temp
order by transaction_source_id, trx_source_line_id;

PROMPT Stuck Transactions Dump - MMT
transaction_id, inventory_item_id, organization_id, subinventory_code,
locator_id, revision, transaction_quantity, transaction_date,
transaction_type_id, transaction_source_id, transfer_subinventory,
transfer_locator_id, trx_source_line_id, cost_group_id,
error_explanation, error_code,
from mtl_material_transactions
where costed_flag IN ('N','E')
order by transaction_source_id, trx_source_line_id;

query to check profile options at all levels

Values of a profile option

It is sometimes hard to know where a profile option is set. A user might have a profile option set, an application, responsibility, and these might result in unexpected results. The following prompts for the profile name that a user sees. You could also query for the internal profile code instead by using the column a.profile_option_name instead.
b.user_profile_option_name "Long Name"
, a.profile_option_name "Short Name"
, decode(to_char(c.level_id),'10001','Site'
,'Unknown') "Level"
, decode(to_char(c.level_id),'10001','Site'
,'Unknown') "Level Value"
, c.PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE "Profile Value"
, c.profile_option_id "Profile ID"
, to_char(c.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') "Updated Date"
, nvl(d.user_name,to_char(c.last_updated_by)) "Updated By"
apps.fnd_profile_options a
, apps.FND_USER d
, apps.FND_USER e
--a.application_id = nvl(401, a.application_id)
--and a.profile_option_name = nvl('INV', a.profile_option_name)
b.user_profile_option_name like '&ProfileName' -- 'AFLOG_ENABLED'
and a.profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and a.application_id = c.application_id
and c.last_updated_by = d.user_id (+)
and c.level_value = e.user_id (+)
and c.level_value = g.responsibility_id (+)
and c.level_value = h.application_id (+)
order by
b.user_profile_option_name, c.level_id,

query to find users who have a responsibility

PROMPT Find users who have a responsibility
select usr.user_id, usr.user_name, res.RESPONSIBILITY_ID, res.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME
where upper(res.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME) like upper('%' || NVL('&EnterRespName', 'INV')|| '%')
and upper(res.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME) NOT like '%AX%'
and upper(res.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME) NOT like '%OPM%'
and grp.responsibility_id = res.responsibility_id
and grp.user_id = usr.user_id;

Query to check Active users

PROMPT Active Users
select fnd.user_name, icx.responsibility_application_id, icx.responsibility_id, frt.responsibility_name,
icx.session_id, icx.first_connect,
DECODE ((icx.disabled_flag),'N', 'ACTIVE', 'Y', 'INACTIVE') status
fnd_user fnd, icx_sessions icx, fnd_responsibility_tl frt
fnd.user_id = icx.user_id
and icx.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id
and icx.disabled_flag <> 'Y'
and trunc(icx.last_connect) = trunc(sysdate)
order by icx.last_connect;

Ensure trace is disabled

Ensure trace is disabled
The best way is to check via the forms System Administrator > Concurrent > Programs Define. This is just a quick update to change trace enabled to no.
Update Fnd_Concurrent_Programs
Set Enable_Trace = 'N'
where ENABLE_TRACE = 'Y';

Concurrent program statuses

Concurrent program statuses

PROMPT Concurrent program values

Select distinct lookup_code, meaning From Fnd_Lookup_Values
Where Lookup_Type = 'CP_STATUS_CODE'
order by lookup_code;

A Waiting
B Resuming
C Normal
D Cancelled
E Error
G Warning
H On Hold
I Normal
M No Manager
P Scheduled
Q Standby
R Normal
S Suspended
T Terminating
U Disabled
W Paused
X Terminated
Z Waiting

query for various output of concurrent managers

PROMPT Programs and Managers
PROMPT Provide various output of concurrent managers related to a specific program.
PROMPT In this case using default of Item Supply/Demand program.
fcq.processor_application_id, fcp.concurrent_program_name,
fr.responsibility_id, fr.responsibility_key, fr.data_group_id, fr.request_group_id,
fr.application_id, fa.application_short_name,
fcq.concurrent_queue_id, fcq.CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME,
FROM fnd_application fa,
fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
fnd_conc_processor_programs fcpp,
fnd_responsibility fr,
fnd_concurrent_queues fcq,
fnd_concurrent_processes fcpr
WHERE fcq.processor_application_id = fcpp.processor_application_id
AND fcq.concurrent_processor_id = fcpp.concurrent_processor_id
AND fcpp.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND fcpp.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
AND fcp.application_id = fa.application_id
AND fcp.concurrent_program_name = NVL('&EnterProgramShortName', 'INXDSD')
AND fr.application_id = 401
AND fr.data_group_id = fcq.data_group_id
AND fcq.manager_type = '3'
AND fcpr.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id
AND fcpr.queue_application_id = fcq.application_id
-- AND fcpr.process_status_code = 'A'
AND fcpr.instance_number = userenv('instance')
ORDER BY dbms_random.random;

Query for Identifying correct trace file for request id

PROMPT From Bug.3211206
PROMPT Use the following query to identify the correct trace file:
PROMPT where "request" is the concurrent request id for the inventory transaction
PROMPT worker.
SELECT 'Request id: '||request_id ,
'Trace id: '||oracle_Process_id,
'Trace Flag: '||req.enable_trace,
'Trace Name:
'Prog. Name: '||prog.user_concurrent_program_name,
'File Name: '||execname.execution_file_name|| execname.subroutine_name ,
'Status : '||decode(phase_code,'R','Running')
'SID Serial: '||ses.sid||','|| ses.serial#,
'Module : '||ses.module
from fnd_concurrent_requests req, v$session ses, v$process proc,
v$parameter dest, v$parameter dbnm, fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog,
fnd_executables execname
where req.request_id = &request
and req.oracle_process_id=proc.spid(+)
and proc.addr = ses.paddr(+)
and dest.name='user_dump_dest'
and dbnm.name='db_name'
and req.concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id
and req.program_application_id = prog.application_id
and prog.application_id = execname.application_id
and prog.executable_id=execname.executable_id;

SQL related to Oracle Application Messages

SQL related to Oracle Application Messages

PROMPT Find Messages by Message Text
select m.message_name, m.message_text, m.message_number, a.application_short_name
from fnd_new_messages m, fnd_application a
where upper(m.message_text) like upper('%&EnterMessageText%')
and m.language_code = 'US'
and m.application_id = a.application_id;

PROMPT Find Messages by Message Short Name
select m.message_name, m.message_text, m.message_number, a.application_short_name
from fnd_new_messages m, fnd_application a
where m.message_name like '%&EnterMessageName%'
and m.language_code = 'US'
and m.application_id = a.application_id;

Date Columns conversion

Working with Rowids: rowidtochar(rowid) and chartorowid('AAABUeAAQAAACsjAAg')

Date Columns
a. Converting dates to show date with time: to_char( 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
For example: select to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
b. Comparing date columns -- Sometimes handy to skip the time portion when searching for dates. You can use the trunc command to strip the time off. This resets the time to midnight.
For example: select to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;

Table for Views and Triggers

PROMPT Query view details of a specific view.
and owner = 'APPS';

PROMPT Trigger details on a table.
select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, trigger_name, trigger_type, TRIGGER_BODY
from dba_TRIGGERS
WHERE TABLE_NAME like '%&EnterTableName%';

Table for Bugs and Patching

PROMPT Find specific package version
select text from dba_source
name = upper( '&PackageName')
and line < 3;

PROMPT Find bugs already installed fixed in your system
select bug_number
from ad_bugs
where bug_number ='&Bug_Number';

PROMPT Find patches applied
select substr(patch_name,1,12) patch_num
from ad_applied_patches
where patch_name like '%&Patch_Number%';

NOTE: A specific bug maybe fixed by multiple patches so it might be good to look for the bug number, instead of the patch number to see if that bug is fixed already on your system. Another way is to look at the file version mentioned in the patch and check if you have that version or higher.

Table to check Invalids / Compiling

PROMPT Find Invalids
select object_name, object_type, owner, status
from dba_objects
where status = 'INVALID';

PROMPT Compile Packages
select 'alter package '|| object_name || ' compile '|| decode(object_type, 'PACKAGE', '', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'body')|| ';'
from dba_objects
where status = 'INVALID'
and object_type like 'PACK%';

Tables to Find Objects/Table/Columns

General Objects / Tables / Columns

PROMPT Find Object by Type, Name, Status
select object_name, object_type, owner, status
from dba_objects
where upper(object_name) like upper('%&object_name%')
and object_type like upper('%'|| NVL('&object_type', 'TABLE')|| '%')
and status like upper('%'|| NVL('&Status', '%')|| '%')
order by object_name, object_type;

PROMPT Find table indexes, keys, columns
select index_name,column_position,column_name
from all_ind_columns
where table_name = '&EnterTableName'
order by index_name, column_position;

PROMPT Find tables and columns that include a table and/or column name specified.
select table_name, column_name
from dba_tab_columns
where column_name like NVL(UPPER('&COLUMN_NAME'), column_name)
and table_name like NVL(UPPER('&TABLE_NAME'), table_name);