Monday, April 27, 2009

setting the Password for PDF File sent through XML Publisher

setting the Password for PDF File sent through XML Publisher

Open the rtf for which you want to set password and do the following things

1) Open the .rtf
2) Go to File - > Properties
Create a new custom property
a) Name : xdo-pdf-open-password
Type : text
Value : Either Hard Code the value / or get the value for xml data
b) Name : xdo-pdf-security
Type : text
Value : true

Note : property name should always start with xdo- .

Generating Excel Outputs from existing standard Oracle Reports 6i Output

Generating Excel Outputs from existing standard Oracle Reports 6i Output

Most end-users use Excel as a very generic tool, because of their familiarity and the control in analysing data using the power of MS Excel.

There is a trick to capture Oracle Reports output (text output) into a excel sheet.

Basic Steps :
1) Set the output format for the report to XML
2) Run the report to generate output.
3) Save the output file locally as a XML file.
4) Open the file using MS Excel.
5) To make it more beautiful, you may use a MS Excel Template.

The Excel Templates can be used to do complex data analysis and formatting. Displayed example below is a simple excel template, to make the point.

Points be to Noted while doing AR Conversion

Conversion (Data Migration) of Invoices in Receivables

Whenever we are going in for implementation of Receivables module, we have to consider the necessity of bringing in customer open balances from the old system to Oracle Receivables.

Some of the key questions that needs to be addressed before we take up a conversion activity. This is just a sample list and not an exhaustive one:

1. What are the different types of invoices in existing system Provide invoice samples? (invoices, credit/ debit memos, commitments, chargebacks)
2. Do we need to migrate only open invoices?
3. Do we migrate closed invoices also, if yes, then for what time period?
4. Please explain the invoice numbering mechanism? Is it automatic?
5. What are the interfaces from/to your existing receivables system?
6. Will the old system still be in place for querying and reporting purpose?

One can adopt one of the following three strategies for conversion:

1. Consolidate all the open balances customer-wise and create a single open invoice for each customer in the new Oracle system. The advantage of this system is that it is quite easy and not data intensive and makes good business sense in case of small businesses with very few customers. The major demerit of this approach is that later on one cannot track the individual invoices which the customer had sent and can become an audit issue also. In case of dispute over payment, this invoice will remain open till the dispute is resolved. Also, aging of invoices and dunning history will be lost.

2. Bring in all the open and partially paid invoices, credit/debit memos into the new system. Migrate all the unapplied and partially applied receipts to the new system. The advantage of this process of conversion is that you can track all open invoices individually and apply the correct receipt to correct invoice. Also, the conversion effort will be moderately low compared to case if you migrate all open and closed invoices. The disadvantage of this approach is that you cannot have a track of closed invoices in the new system. Also, it would be tough to handle scenarios where there is a dispute regarding incorrect receipt application, etc. This is the most common approach taken for receivables invoice, credit/debit memo and receipt migration.

3. Migrate all open and closed invoices to the new system. Reapply the migrated receipts to invoices in the new system. This approach makes sense if your receivables data is quite small else the effort involved in migrating all closed invoices and credit memos to the new system does not make much business sense.

The next question that arises is how we should migrate the invoices, credit/debit memos and receipts to the new system. Oracle provides standard interfaces to load the same. We can also use tools like Dataloader or manually key in the data into Oracle.

In this article i will talk of invoice, credit/debit memo conversion only. Prior to invoice migration, customer migration should be over apart from other pre-requisites. Following is the list of pre-requisites that should be completed prior to invoice, credit/debit memo conversion:

•Set-up of Customer Payment Terms should be complete
•Set-up of Currencies should be complete (this is necessary in case you have foreign currency invoices also)
•Set-up of Transaction Types should be complete
•Set-up of Accounting Rules should be complete
•Set-up of Tax rates and Tax codes should be complete
•Set up for sales representative should be complete
•Set up for debtor area should be complete
•Set up for income category should be complete
•Automatic customer invoice numbering should be set to 'No'
•Customer and Customer address should be migrated in the system
•Disable the Invoice interface purge program so that the data successfully imported should not get purged in the interface table.
•Set up for invoice batch source name should be complete

In the next step extract Invoice data from the legacy files and using SQL loader populate the interface tables RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL. Submit the Auto Invoice open interface program. Data from the two interface tables will be uploaded to the following base tables using the Invoice open interface program:


Ensure that the Purge Interface check box is not checked when you submit the Autoinvoice program. In the Autoinvoice errors form you can see the error corresponding to failed records. Correct the errors in the interface table and rerun the Autoinvoice program. Submit the Autoinvoice Purge Program separately. Only records that have been successfully processed by Autoinvoice are purged.

Using autoinvoice you can migrate invoices, credit/debit memos and on-account credits into Oracle. However, you have to set grouping rules (Navigation > Setup > Transactions > Autoinvoice > Grouping Rule) to group lines to create one transaction and ordering rules (Navigation > Setup > Transactions > Autoinvoice > Line Ordering Rules) to determine the order of the transaction lines on a particular invoice.

Troubleshooting the Projects to Receivables Interface

Troubleshooting the Projects to Receivables Interface

This feature is for anyone using Oracle Projects and Receivables 11.5.10 and beyond. There were several new features introduced to Projects 10.5.10 (Family Pack M), which now require additional configurations for the Receivables interface to work.Here are few quick tipts consolidated from the Metalink notes and user guides to remember what to do

Open Periods

Make sure to open respective accounting periods in Receivables. As Receivables Manager, navigate to Control > Accounting > Open/Close Periods.

Retention Error

You may not be using retention or multi-currency in Project Billing, but you still receive the “Transaction Code: TRA OU Level Retention Accounting flag N… Some transactions are disabled. Please Check auto-accounting setup” error when running the PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables program (PATTAR).

To resolve the error you need to enable the AutoAccounting Assignments for Unbilled Retention Account and Rounding Account.

As Projects Billing Super User:

Navigate to Setup > AutoAccounting > Assign
Query up function ‘Revenue and Invoice Accounts’
Define Segment Rule Pairings for the Unbilled Retention Account
Define Segment Rule Pairings for the Rounding Account
Make sure to enable the Function Transactions!
Again, you need to do this even if you do not intend to enable retention and multi-currency billing in your Implementation Options.

Sales Credit Type Rejection

You might get a ‘No sales credit type at Implementation or Projec Level’ rejection when running the PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables program (PATTAR).

In order to resolve this error as Projects Billing Super User:

Navigate to Implementation Options
Select ‘Exchange Rate Type’ in the Currency tab
Select ‘Sales Credit Type’ in the Billing tab
Transaction Source and Transaction Type Errors

The seeded Project Transaction Source and Project Transaction Types might be incomplete. Make sure to review and update these for your setting you defined in the Implementation Options > Billing tab. The source It is going to be ‘PROJECTS INVOICES’ (if new 11i or R12 implementation, or ‘PA INVOICES’ if upgraded from 10.7) and Transaction Types are going to be ‘Projects Invoice’ and ‘Projects Credit Memo’ (11i and beyond) or ‘PA Invoice’ and ‘PA Credit Memo’ (10.7) respectively.

As Receivables Manager:

Navigate to Transaction Sources: Setup > Transactions > Sources
Query up your Transactions Source you defined in the Implementation Options > Billing tab
Make sure the Reference Field Default Value field = ‘interface_header_attribute1′
Make sure the Standard Transaction Type = ‘Projects Invoice’
Make sure the Credit Meno Batch Source = ‘PROJECTS INVOICES’
Also navigate to Transaction Types: Setup > Transactions > Types
Query up ‘Projects Invoice’ transaction type
Make sure the Credit memo Type = ‘Projects Credit Memo’

How to track Current Apps Versions

1)select product_version,patch_level from fnd_product_installations
Get current version ana Patch level information.

2)select * FROM V$VERSION
Database Version infomation.

3)select * from v$instance
Instance details

4)select WF_EVENT_XML.XMLVersion() XML_VERSION from sys.dual;
Current XML Parser Version info.

5)select TEXT from WF_RESOURCES where TYPE = 'WFTKN' and NAME = 'WF_VERSION'
Workflow version Number.

6)select home_url from icx_parameters
Oracle applications front end URL

Get the Trace file location.

8) XML Publisher Vesion info.

Query to Display Module Wise Reports

Display Module Wise Reports

SELECT fa.application_short_name, fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name,
DECODE (fcpv.execution_method_code,
'B', 'Request Set Stage Function',
'Q', 'SQL*Plus',
'H', 'Host',
'L', 'SQL*Loader',
'A', 'Spawned',
'I', 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure',
'P', 'Oracle Reports',
'S', 'Immediate',
) exe_method,
output_file_type, program_type, printer_name, minimum_width,
minimum_length, concurrent_program_name, concurrent_program_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv, fnd_application fa
WHERE fcpv.application_id = fa.application_id

SELECT fa.application_short_name,
DECODE (fcpv.execution_method_code,
'B', 'Request Set Stage Function',
'Q', 'SQL*Plus',
'H', 'Host',
'L', 'SQL*Loader',
'A', 'Spawned',
'I', 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure',
'P', 'Oracle Reports',
'S', 'Immediate',
) exe_method,
COUNT (concurrent_program_id) COUNT
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv, fnd_application fa
WHERE fcpv.application_id = fa.application_id
GROUP BY fa.application_short_name, fcpv.execution_method_code

Sunday, April 26, 2009

File Types and Extensions in APPS

File Types and Extensions in APPS

.a Library files for C language code
.c C lang source code
.ctl DataMerge control file (Sql loader)
.dat DataMerge import/export (Data file)
.Drv Driver (patch related files)
.env Unix environment
.exp DataMerge export
.fmb Binary forms
.fmx Execuatble forms
.h C lang header file
.jar java archive
.lc C lang source to be archived
.lct Data loader control
.ldt Data loader datafile
.log Concurrent request log
.lpc PRO*C source to be archived
.msb Binary message
.msg Readable message
.o C lang object module
.odf Object description
.out Concurrent request output
.plb PL/SQL package body
.pll PL/SQL shared library (reports)
.pls PL/SQL package specs
.rdf Oracle D2k Reports
.req Oracle reports Executable
.sql SQL*Plus scripts

Overview of Oracle HRMS

Overview of Oracle HRMS

Oracle HRMS enables you to enter and track people recors when they apply for a job or when they leave organization.HRMS allows you to enter , maintain,report of employess information.

Business Process in HRMS

The following modules are intergrated in Oracle HRMS

1.Hiring & Deployment
3.Career Management
4.Training & Development
5.Compensation & Benefits
6.Time & Labour
7.Payroll Processiong
8.Organization & Resource Planning

Work Structure
Work structure are independent of the people who work in enterprise. and it suppots Enterprise and employee structure such as Business groups and legal entities and also contains grade structure, pyroll groups,jobs and positions.

Locations represents physical site where employees work.The location types could be

Global Availble across all BG

Business Group only availble in BG

Jobs and Positions
Jobs and positions to represents the different roles that a person can perform in enterprise.

Job is generic role within BG

They are independent of ant single organization.

Exists for all Organizations.

Positions is specific role or function exist in only one organization.Position includes Jobs and Organization.

Positions are used to show spcific posts within org.

Using position contril functionality can manage positions.

Grades indicates seniority level in an enterprise

Grades and Pay
HRMS supports direct and indirect relationship between grades and Pay

Person Types in HRMS
HRMS store information about different group of peoples such as employees,applicants and people external to your enterprise.Using person Types you can restrict access to records of certain group of people

HRMS uses a unique identifier called as Employee Number to identify every employee in BG.

Business Group
Business group defines a complete set of HR data and linked with one legislative processing like payrool and benefits . But oracle HRMS come with predefined Business groups which is useful who do not intedent to use HR in Apps.

Personal Information
Every enterprise must be able to record personal information for its employee,applicants and contacts,So HRMS allow you update and report employee information.

Employee must have only one primary addres on record.But you can enter as many addresses ad mecessary for each person.Each Country has its own national address style.

By using web-based Manager Self service to enter some information like employee history,roles and employee data etc...

Employee Assignment
The assignment represents the way employee work in enterprise.The assignment is the central concept that related to the structure in which employes works.

Each assignment has employess assignment number that uniqely identifies assignment. When employees change their locations or job these changes are dtaetracked.

Assignment stastuses


Employee Development
You can Record work choice,relocation,preferred work hours and work schedule.

Person Types
HRMS supports with predefined set of system person types ease person typa has its own user name. These are 8 types.


Former Spouse

Surviving Family Member

Surviving Spouse

Former Family Member



Terminate Employee
When employee leaves organization terminate the person record action changes the person type to Ex-Employee and automatically ends all assignments for the person.You cannot terminates an employee who has future-dated assignments.

Oracle HRMS Protected Descriptive Flexfields

Oracle HRMS Protected Descriptive Flexfields

In oracle HRMS the following DFF's not allows you to change the Definitions. These are used by product Development to deliver std functionality for HRMS.

Further Element information Pay_Element_types_f
Further Assignment Information Per_Assignment_Extra_info
Further Payment Method information Pay_org_payment_methods_f
Further Person Information Per_people_f
Further Job Information Per_jobs
Org Development DF Hr_organization_Information

Friday, April 24, 2009

Execution Sequences of sql clauses.

Execution Sequences of sql clauses.
b)Group by…

Diff Between Implicit and Explicit Cursors

Diff Between Implicit and Explicit Cursors
1) Implicit: declared for all DML and pl/sql statements.
By default it selects one row only.

2) Explicit: Declared and named by the programmer.Use explicit cursor to individually process each row returned by a Multiple statements, is called ACTIVE SET. Allows the programmer to manually control explicit cursor in the
Pl/sql block

Flex mode and Confine mode

Flex mode and Confine mode

Confine mode
On: child objects cannot be moved outside their enclosing parent objects.
Off: child objects can be moved outside their enclosing parent objects.

Flex mode:
On: parent borders "stretch" when child objects are moved against them.
Off: parent borders remain fixed when child objects are moved against



-- are used to replace a single value in sql, pl/sql
-- bind variable may be used to replace expressions in select, where, group, order
by, having, connect by, start with cause of queries.
-- bind reference may not be referenced in FROM clause (or) in place of
reserved words or clauses.
-- you can use lexical reference to replace the clauses appearing AFTER select,
from, group by, having, connect by, start with.
-- you can’t make lexical reference in a pl/sql statmetns.

Types of Reports in APPS

Types of Reports in APPS

Oracle Reports(D2k 6i): This is the most used tool for reporting on Oracle Applications. Most of reports customizations are built with this tool. Once customized the output of the report can be in Excel (Not group By Report), word, Acrobat documents or text format.

Oracle Discoverer:This is an intuitive tool for creating reports and performing on-line analysis.The flexibility of this tool allows the user to create cross tab reports that perform like pivot tables in Excel

Oracle XML Publisher: This is a new Oracle tool for reporting. It enables users to utilize a familiar desktop tool, like MS Word or MS Excel, to create and maintain their own report, XML Publisher merges the custom templates with the concurrentrequest extracts data to generate output in RTF, PDF, HTML and EXCEL.

Business Intelligence System (BI): This tool provides helps managers to take the right decision with the daily data that is uploaded on their systems.
This tools to provide high level information to run their business such as the profitability of a particular business unit.

FSG Reports (Financial Statement Generator): Very powerful report building tool for Oracle General Ledger. Benefits of using this tool are that a user can generate financial reports, and schedule reports to run automatically. The only Disadvantage of this tool is that it is only available for the general ledger responsibility and can be used to see only financial account balances.

RXi Report:(Variable reports) :With this tool a user has the ability to print the same report with multiple layouts.This tool is most used on Oracle Financials Applications>



when we are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important AOL data Migration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during installation and upgarde.

Using FNDLOAD can download data from an application entity into an editable text file, which can be uploaded to another database.The Conversion between database format and text file format is specified by a configuration file.

What can be Done?

·It can be done following list

· Concurrent Programs, Executables
· Request Groups, Request Sets
· Profile Options
· Key and Descriptive Flexfields
· Menus and Responsibilities
· Forms and Form Functions
· Attachments
· Messages
· Value Sets and Values
· Lookup Types
· User Responsibilities
· Printer Definitions
· FND Dictionary
· Help Configuration
· Document Sequences
· Concurrent Manager Schedules

Advantages when using FNDLOAD
1. Because downloaded data is stored in a text file, version administration is possible
2. No learning curve. this is relief for developer/dbas
3. Fully supported and recommended by Oracle
4. Capture the migrations in a file and use it during installations(log file).
5. Pin-point when something happened and where (database) easily
6. AOL data migration process is now simplified!

1. Applications patching mechanisms use FNDLOAD heavily possibility of negative impact is not zero
2. No validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data

The Syntax
To use FNDLOAD, the following syntax is needed.
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y mode configfile datafile entity [parameter1.....]
· The mode is either DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD.
· The configfile is the file that Fndload needs to download on upload data.
· T he data file is the output file, in which the downloaded data is written
· The entity is the entity you want to download,

Example of download:
FNDLOADapps/pwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD ${FND_TOP}/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct myfile.ldt \ PROGRAM CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME= concurrent_program_short_name> APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=application_short_name

Example of Upload
FNDLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y UPLOAD ${FND_TOP}/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct myfile.ldt - CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE undocumented parameter

Where is Config File Located

· Configuration files with extension .lct
o On Unix - all the configuration files are in $FND_TOP/patch/115/import directory
o On Unix Oracle also places the original configuration files in $FND_TOP/admin/import directory
·Data files with extension .ldt
· The configfiles (.lct) are delivered and maintained by Oracle
· It has entity definitions, parent-child relationships and user input parameters identified by :NAME
oDownloading a parent automatically downloads all children - (Example) Concurrent Program download

Sample Script Code for these Objects :

1 - Printer Styles
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcppstl.lct file_name.ldt STYLE PRINTER_STYLE_NAME=printer style name

2 - Lookups
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct file_name.ldt FND_LOOKUP_TYPE APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod LOOKUP_TYPE=lookup name

3 - Descriptive Flexfield with all of specific Contexts
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct file_name.ldt DESC_FLEX P_LEVEL=?COL_ALL:REF_ALL:CTX_ONE:SEG_ALL? APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME=desc flex name P_CONTEXT_CODE=context name

4 - Key Flexfield Structures
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct file_name.ldt KEY_FLEX P_LEVEL=?COL_ALL:FQL_ALL:SQL_ALL:STR_ONE:WFP_ALL:SHA_ALL:CVR_ALL:SEG_ALL? APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod ID_FLEX_CODE=key flex code P_STRUCTURE_CODE=structure name

5 - Concurrent Programs
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct file_name.ldt PROGRAM APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME=concurrent name

6 - Value Sets
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct file_name.ldt VALUE_SET FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME=value set name

7 - Value Sets with values
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct file_name.ldt VALUE_SET_VALUE FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME=value set name

8 - Profile Options
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscprof.lct file_name.ldt PROFILE PROFILE_NAME=profile option APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod

9 - Requset Group
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpreqg.lct file_name.ldt REQUEST_GROUP REQUEST_GROUP_NAME=request group APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod

10 - Request Sets
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcprset.lct file_name.ldt REQ_SET APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=prod REQUEST_SET_NAME=request set

11 - Responsibilities
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct file_name.ldt FND_RESPONSIBILITY RESP_KEY=responsibility

12 - Menus
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct file_name.ldt MENU MENU_NAME=menu_name

13 Forms/Functions
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct file_name.ldt FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES The Upload syntax for all styles: FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct file_name.ldt

14. User/Responsibilities
FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 0 Y DOWNLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afscursp.lct file_name.ldt FND_USER Then UPLOAD FNDLOAD apps/apps@seed115 0 Y UPLOAD [UPLOAD_PARTIAL] @FND:patch/115/import/afscursp.lct file_name.ldt FND_USER []

How to Unlock the Objects

How to Unlock the Objects

The following query could be useful :

Select SPID from V$PROCESS where ADDR in
(select PADDR from V$SESSION where SID in
(select OBJECT_ID from DBA_OBJECTS where OBJECT_NAME=’Locked Object’)))

Get the Process id from the query. Login as unix user and run the following command to kill the process.

$kill -9 SPID

Locate Trace file and Enviroment files from Front End

Locate Trace file and Enviroment files from Front End

After completing traceinge, You can find the Trace file location path by using following methods

Method 1) select value from v$parameter
where name ='user_dump_dest'

The above Query returns Trace file location Path.

Method 2) Login As sysadmin
Click at Goto ->OAM->OAM Setup->Site MAP->Monitoring->System Configuration-> Databse Init.ora Setting.

Here You can find out Parameter name as user_dump_dest , utl_file_dir and corresponding values.

Concurrent Program output in MS Excel format

Concurrent Program output in MS Excel format

1)Login as sysadmin
2) switch to Sysadmin responsibility
3)go to Install->Viewer Options
4) Add entries as Below

File Format =Text Mime
Description=Microsoft Excel

5) save the changes
6) Run any concurrent program
7) Goto-> tools and Copy file
Your able to see the output into Excel format

Diffierent types Apps Tables

Diffierent types Apps Tables
_ALL Conatains multi org data before using this table you need to set client_into to specific org , Org_id is common column.
_V view created on base table
_VL view created on multi language tables.
always use the condition LANGUAGE = USERENV(’LANG’).
_TL Tables support multi language.
_B These Main base tables
_F these date tracked tables for only in HRMS and these table contain 2 common columns effective_start_date and effective_end_date
_S sequence related tables
_AVN Audit view shadow tables contains data track information

OM Flow and table level Information

OM Flow and table level Information

Steps in Order Cycle:

1) Order Entry
2) Booking
3) Pick release :
For this we have to go to
Shipping Responsibilty Release sales order
Here In this form , In the ORDER tab, we have to enter ORDER Number
And delete the Scheduled shipped Dates To & Requested Dates To.
In SHIPPING tab, set AUTO CREATE DELIVERY to YES. In INVENTORY tab enter WAREHOUSE, set AUTO ALLOCATE to YES and AUTO PICK CONFIRM to YES. IF we set AUTO PICK CONFIRM to NO, then We have to go for the following steps

1. go to Inventory Resp
Move order à Transact Move Order then it will ask for
warehouse information. Give the same name as before [M2]
In this form, In the HEADER tab, enter the BATCH
NUMBER of the order that is picked .Then Click FIND
Button. Click on VIEW/UPDATE Allocation, then
Click TRANSACT button. Then Transact button will be
deactivated then just close it and go to next step.

4) Shipping :
For this we need to go to Shipping Transaction Give the order Number, and click find
Then we can see the order status.
Then we have to click DELIVERY Tab Button, in the Action LOV
We have to choose, SHIP CONFIRM.
Then four concurrent program will run in the background.
Such As::
2.) Commercial Invoice
3.) Packing Slip Report
4.) Bill of Lading

After this concurrent program will complete successfully, we have to run
· If we don’t want to ship all the items, that are PICKED, then we have to click LINE/LPN tab , then click DETAIL button .
Now, in that form , in the SHIPPING field, we have to enter how Much quantity of items, we want to ship . The rest remain quantity, that are Ordered will become backorder quantity .

5) Interfacing with AR :

Concurrent program will complete successfully, we have to run
will complete successfully , we can the invoice details in
This Form, we have to give our order number in reference field
And query for the invoice details .Then we can see the invoice details.

Table Level Information:
Order Entry
• At the header level a record gets inserted into the header table
• At the line level, record(s) get inserted into the Line table

Order Booking
• This will update FLOW_STATUS_CODE value in the table
• Record(s) will be created into the table WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS with
RELEASED_STATUS=’R’ (Ready to Release)
OE_INTERFACED_FLAG=’N’ (Not interfaced to OM)
INV_INTERFACED_FLAG=’N’ (Not interfaced to Inv)
• Record(s) will be created into WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS but with

Pick Release
IF “Autocreate Delivery” option = “Yes” THEN
• ) Create a record into the table WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES

Auto Invoicing
Before running “Autoinvoice Program”, record(s) will exist into the table

SALES_ORDER = &Order_number

After running the “Auto invoice Program” for the order:
Records will be deleted from the table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and new details will be created into the following RA transaction tables.
SALES_ORDER = &Order_number

Oracle Purchasing Terminology

Oracle Purchasing Terminology

Terms used in the conventional purchasing system and as referred in Oracle Purchasing may be different. A brief explanation of the ‘Oracle Purchasing’ terms vis-à-vis the existing terminology is provided the following paragraphs. These terms are extensively used in documenting the ‘Purchasing - To Be’ flows and it is recommended that the various users of this system get acquainted with the same.

Requestor: Any Employee who requires specific items to meet his operational needs. Requestor may or may not have the system access to enter the on-line requisitions. Requestor with no computer access will give their requisitions manually on pre-printed requisition form to the requisition ‘Preparer’ within the concerned department.

Preparer: Employee in a department with the responsibility of entering Purchase Requisitions in the system.

Approver: Employee with the responsibility and authority of approving the requisition and / or the Quotation Analysis Document and / or the Purchase Orders.

Buyer: Employee in the Purchase Department with the responsibility of entering the Requests for Quotation, the Quotations received from the Supplier and the Purchase Orders in the new system.

Request For Quotation (RFQ): Synonym for ‘Inquiry’. RFQs are sent to the vendors, requesting them for their quotations for the items / services required to be purchased.

Quotation: Quotations are the ‘Vendor Offers’ for the required items / services.

Quotation Analysis: It is a ‘Comparative Statement of Quotations’.

Standard Purchase Order: Standard Purchase Orders are created for purchase of various items / services where details such as the quantity to be purchased and the negotiated costs.

Blanket Purchase Agreement: Blanket purchase agreements are signed with the vendor for the supply of goods / services over a period. Such agreements can be used when details of the goods / services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period are known, but you do not yet know the details of your delivery schedules. They can also be used to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually buying them.

Blanket Release: You can issue a Blanket Release against a Blanket Purchase Agreement to place the actual order with the vendor. The Releases should be within the Blanket Agreement effectivity dates.

Planned Purchase Order: It is a long term agreement committing to buy items / services from a single source. The tentative delivery schedule is given to the vendor along with other details like quantities and estimated costs.

Schedule Release: This document is issued to the vendor against a Planned Purchase Order to place the actual order. This document will confirm the specific quantity and delivery date to the vendor.

Contract Purchase Agreements: Contract Purchase Agreements may be entered into with suppliers to agree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods or services that will actually be purchased. Standard Purchase Orders can be issued at a later date referencing such Contracts.

Purchasing Cycle:

Requisitions: Requisitions generated by various departments of your organization. They basically say that ‘I WANT THIS ITEM’ mentioning the item quantity and required date

Request for Quotation: The purchasing person sends the requirement to various suppliers giving details of the item and can also specify own terms and conditions such as payment terms, price etc.

Quotations: The Supplier responds to the RFQ and sends their quotations mentioning details of the item and all their terms and conditions regarding payment terms, discount, delivery schedules, etc.

Purchase Orders: The quotations received from various suppliers are compared and PO made for them in which all the terms and conditions of the firm are mentioned as regards to Payment, price, etc.

Receiving Goods: Suppliers ship the goods, which are received in your organization

Payments: After clearance from the receiving department about the receipt of goods, payments are made to the suppliers.

Close the PO: After the items are received, payments made you can close the PO.

Purchasing Requirements
· Item
· Quantity
· Ship to Address
· Bill to Address
· Delivery Schedules
· Terms and Conditions
· PO Numbering
· Approval Authority
· Supplier
· Accounts

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to find Descriptive FlexFileds Segments defined for paticular Application

How to find Descriptive FlexFileds Segments defined for paticular Application

For Example if you want to know the Descriptive Flexfields defined for your Purchase Requisition Header level form,

Go to System Adminstrator Responsibility--->Application--->Flexfield--->Descriptive--->Segments--->
Here you can give F11 and query for Application 'Purchasing' and Title as 'Requisition Headers'
and here you can see how the segments attributes are defined.

AR Query to get open invoices for single/All customers

AR Query to get open invoice for single customer /for all customer from the table ar_payment_schedules_all , you can modify the query how you want to get the details

select aps.*
FROM ra_customer_trx_all ra,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all rl,
ar_payment_schedules_all aps,
ra_cust_trx_types_all rt,
hz_cust_accounts hc,
hz_parties hp,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa_bill,
hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua_bill,
hz_party_sites hps_bill,
ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rct
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ra.customer_trx_id = rl.customer_trx_id
AND ra.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id
AND ra.org_id = aps.org_id
AND rct.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id
AND rct.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id
AND rct.customer_trx_id = rl.customer_trx_id
AND rct.customer_trx_line_id = rl.customer_trx_line_id
AND ra.complete_flag = 'Y'
AND rl.line_type IN ('FREIGHT', 'LINE')
AND ra.cust_trx_type_id = rt.cust_trx_type_id
AND ra.bill_to_customer_id = hc.cust_account_id
AND hc.status = 'A'
AND hp.party_id = hc.party_id
AND hcasa_bill.cust_account_id = ra.bill_to_customer_id
AND hcasa_bill.cust_acct_site_id = hcsua_bill.cust_acct_site_id
AND hcsua_bill.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
AND hcsua_bill.site_use_id = ra.bill_to_site_use_id
AND hps_bill.party_site_id = hcasa_bill.party_site_id
AND hcasa_bill.status = 'A'
AND hcsua_bill.status = 'A'
AND aps.amount_due_remaining <> 0
AND aps.status = 'OP'
and hc.cust_account_id=21924 --- Here you can give ths customer for whom you want open invoices to be retrieved

How to Cancel PO Requisition created

Cancellation of PO Requisition which is created

Go to PO Super User responsibility --->Reqisition Summary ---> Here open the Requisition Number which you want to cancel and Go to Menu Bar TOOLS Option--->Control and Mention Proper reason and Cancel the Requisition.

Once the Requisition is cancelled it will also Cancel the workflow and the status of workflow will be in Canclled mode.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How To Identify All Requisitions And Purchase Orders With Errored Activities

The following scripts have been provided to return requisitions and purchase orders with erroredactivities:

SELECT prh.segment1, prh.org_id, prh.authorization_status,
ac.display_name activity, ias.activity_result_code RESULT,
ias.error_name error_name, ias.error_message error_message,
ias.error_stack error_stack
FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh,
wf_item_activity_statuses ias,
wf_process_activities pa,
wf_activities_vl ac,
wf_activities_vl ap,
wf_items i
WHERE ias.item_type = 'REQAPPRV'
AND ias.item_key = prh.wf_item_key
AND ias.item_type = prh.wf_item_type
AND ias.activity_status = 'ERROR'
AND ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
AND pa.activity_name = ac.NAME
AND pa.activity_item_type = ac.item_type
AND pa.process_name = ap.NAME
AND pa.process_item_type = ap.item_type
AND pa.process_version = ap.VERSION
AND i.item_type = 'REQAPPRV'
AND i.item_key = ias.item_key
AND i.begin_date >= ac.begin_date
AND i.begin_date
ORDER BY prh.segment1, ias.execution_time;

--- Purchase Orders

SELECT pha.segment1, pha.org_id, pha.authorization_status,
ac.display_name activity, ias.activity_result_code RESULT,
ias.error_name error_name, ias.error_message error_message,
ias.error_stack error_stackfrom
FROM po_headers_all pha,
wf_item_activity_statuses ias,
wf_process_activities pa,
wf_activities_vl ac,
wf_activities_vl ap,
wf_items i
WHERE ias.item_type = 'POAPPRV'
AND ias.item_key = pha.wf_item_key
AND ias.item_type = pha.wf_item_type
AND pha.authorization_status IN ('IN PROCESS', 'PRE-APPROVED')
AND ias.activity_status = 'ERROR'
AND ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
AND pa.activity_name = ac.NAME
AND pa.activity_item_type = ac.item_type
AND pa.process_name = ap.NAME
AND pa.process_item_type = ap.item_type
AND pa.process_version = ap.VERSION
AND i.item_type = 'POAPPRV'
AND i.item_key = ias.item_key
AND i.begin_date >= ac.begin_date
AND i.begin_date
ORDER BY pha.segment1, ias.execution_time;

Monday, April 20, 2009

Auto Invoice Script

--Just replace the constant values with variables and call this procedure in a valid cursor loop

asqlcode OUT NUMBER,
asqlerrm OUT VARCHAR2
v_batch_source_name VARCHAR2 (100);
v_currency_code VARCHAR2 (10);
v_cust_trx_type_id NUMBER;
v_term_id NUMBER;
INTO v_batch_source_name
FROM ra_batch_sources_all
WHERE batch_source_id = 1228 AND org_id = 204;

SELECT currency_code
INTO v_currency_code
FROM fnd_currencies
WHERE issuing_territory_code = 'US' AND enabled_flag = 'Y';

SELECT cust_trx_type_id
INTO v_cust_trx_type_id
FROM ra_cust_trx_types_all
WHERE NAME = 'Invoice' AND org_id = 204;

SELECT term_id
INTO v_term_id
FROM ra_terms_tl
WHERE NAME = '30 Net';

SELECT set_of_books_id
INTO v_sob_id
FROM gl.gl_sets_of_books
WHERE short_name = 'Vision Operations';

INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all
(interface_line_id, interface_line_context,
interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2,
batch_source_name, --ra_batch_sources_all
set_of_books_id, --gl.gl_setsof_books
line_type, tax_code,
description, --mtl_system_items
currency_code, --fnd_currencies
amount, cust_trx_type_id,
term_id, --ar_terms
conversion_rate, trx_date,
gl_date, quantity, quantity_ordered, unit_selling_price,
unit_standard_price, inventory_item_id, --MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS
created_by, --fnd_global.user_id
creation_date, last_update_date,
last_updated_by, org_id, --fnd_global.org_id
orig_system_bill_customer_id, --hz_customer_accounts
orig_system_bill_address_id, --hz_cust_sites_USES_all
) --hz_customer_accounts
VALUES (ra_customer_trx_lines_s.NEXTVAL, 'LEGACY',
'1101233', '11045',
'LEGACY', 1, 'LINE', 'Exempt',
'Paper Carrier', 'USD', '1000.00', 1,
1060, 'User', 1, SYSDATE,
SYSDATE, 12, 12, 50.00,
50.00, 6074, 1003,
1318, 204, 'S',
5808, 5789
END inv_proc_v;

Importing Blanket Purchase Aggrements(BPA)

Importing Blanket Purchase Aggrements(BPA)
In this article we will see what a Blanket Purchase Agreement is and how we can import them along with the price breaks.

Overview of Blanket Purchase Agreements:You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the detail of the goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules. You can use blanket purchase agreements to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually purchasing them.

Blanket Releases: You can issue a blanket release against a blanket purchase agreement to place the actual order (as long as the release is within the blanket agreement effectivity dates. If your purchase agreement has price breaks, the quantity entered on the release determines what break price is defaulted into the Price field.

Import Process: The Purchasing Document Open Interface concurrent program was replaced by two new concurrent programs Import Price Catalogs and Import Standard Purchase Orders.Import Price Catalogs concurrent program is used to import Catalog Quotations, Standard Quotations, and Blanket Purchase Agreements. Import Standard Purchase Orders concurrent program is used to import Unapproved or Approved Standard Purchase Orders.

You need to populate PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE and PO_LINES_INTERFACE to import header and line information into Purchasing. PO_LINES_INTERFACE table contains both line and shipment information, and imports data into both the PO_LINES and PO_LINE_LOCATIONS. The below are the additional columns that are required in PO_LINES_INTERFACE if you want to import price break information:



If you are importing price break information through catalog quotations, you can also, optionally, populate the following columns in the PO_LINES_INTERFACE table: MIN_ORDER_QUANTITY
Lets take an example to better understand.Suppose you want to create a blanket with one line and two price breaks and the details for the price break are as below:
1)quantity = 500, price = 10, effective date from '01-JAN-2006' to '31-JUN-2006'
2)quantity = 500, price = 11, effective date from '01-JUL-2006' to '01-JAN-2007'

To create the above the BPA, you would create ONE record in PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE and THREE records in PO_LINES_INTERFACE

LINE1: It will have only the line information. LINE NUM would be 1.
LINE2: For the first Price Break details but the LINE NUM will be the same as above i.e 1. SHIPMENT_NUM would be 1 and SHIPMENT_TYPE would be ‘PRICE BREAK’
LINE3: For the second Price Break details but the LINE NUM will be the same as above i.e 1. SHIPMENT_NUM would be 2 and SHIPMENT_TYPE would be ‘PRICE BREAK’ All the line-level records above must have the same INTERFACE_HEADER_ID.
--Inserting Header Information
insert into po_headers_interface

--Inserting Line Information
insert into po_lines_interface

Note: Cumulative: Price breaks apply to the cumulative quantity on all release shipments for the item. Non–cumulative: Price breaks apply to quantities on individual release shipments for the item.

--Inserting First Price Break
insert into po_lines_interface

--Inserting Second Price Break
insert into po_lines_interface

Final Step:
Run Import Price Catalog Concurrent Program to create this Blanket Purchase Agreement.

Friday, April 17, 2009

How to assign Approval Limits to user

How to assign Approval Limits to user

PO Super User
Setup > Approvals > Approval Assignments
Select Job = .GCSM Delivery Manager. (User job title)
Document Type = Approve Purchase Requisitions
Approval Group = APPROVAL 5000

Once the above process is done then we should run the process 'i2 AP Maintain Web Signing Limits'. after this process the AP Signing Limits table was automatically updated.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Useful Shell Script for Oracle Apps

Shell Script Tutorial for Oracle Apps

Steps to Register Shell Script as a concurrent program
Sample Shell Script to copy the file from source to destination
Basic Shell Script Commands
Steps to Register Shell Script as a concurrent program

step 1:
Place the .prog script under the bin directory for your
applications top directory.

For example, call the script ERPS_DEMO.prog and place it under

step 2:
Make a symbolic link from your script to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr
For example, if the script is called ERPS_DEMO.prog use this:

ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr ERPS_DEMO

This link should be named the same as your script without the
.prog extension.

Put the link for your script in the same directory where the
script is located.

step 3:
Register the concurrent program, using an execution method of
'Host'. Use the name of your script without the .prog extension
as the name of the executable.

For the example above:

step 4:
Your script will be passed at least 4 parameters, from $1 to $4.

$1 = orauser/pwd
$2 = userid(apps)
$3 = username,
$4 = request_id

Any other parameters you define will be passed in as $5 and higher.
Make sure your script returns an exit status also.

Sample Shell Script to copy the file from source to destination

#Note: If you see # in front of any line it means that its a comment line not the actual code
#** ********************************************************************
# Created By :
# Creation Date :
# Script Name :
# Description : This Script accepts three parameters
# 1)Data File Name 2)Source Directory Path 3)Target Directory Path
# Then copy the file from source location to target location.
# If copy fails send the error status/message to concurrent program so that user can see status.
# ========
# History
# ========
#** ********************************************************************
#Parameters from 1 to 4 i.e $1 $2 $3 $4 are standard parameters
# $1 : username/password of the database
# $2 : userid
# $4 : Concurrent Request ID
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "Parameters received from concurrent program .."
echo " Time : "`date`
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "Arguments : "
echo " Data File Name : "${DataFileName}
echo " SourceDirectory : "${SourceDirectory}
echo " TargetDirectory : "${TargetDirectory}
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo " Copying the file from source directory to target directory..."
cp ${SourceDirectory}/${DataFileName} ${TargetDirectory}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
# the $? will contain the result of previously executed statement.
#It will be 0 if success and 1 if fail in many cases
# -ne represents not "equal to"
echo "Entered Exception"
exit 1
# exit 1 represents concurrent program status. 1 for error, 2 for warning 0 for success
echo "File Successfully copied from source to destination"
exit 0
echo "****************************************************************"

Basic Shell Script Commands

# Create Directory

# Remove Directory

#remove folder with files
rm -r -f

# Change Directory

# Create new file

#insert data into file
esc i

#Save file
esc :wq enter

# exit with out saving changes
esc :q! enter

# open existing file

#remove file

# copy file with same name
cp /

# copy file with new name
cp / /

# Move file with same name
mv /

# move file with data appended to filename in the front
mv / /`date+%H%M%d%m%y`

#print line
echo "your text here to print"

#print date
echo `date`

query gives all function names under a menu considering submenus's also.

-- Below query gives all function names under a menu considering submenus's also.
SELECT DISTINCT fmep.menu_id,
DECODE (fmep.function_id,
NULL, DECODE (fmec.function_id,
NULL, DECODE (fmec1.function_id,
NULL, 'No Func',
) funcid,
fff.user_function_name, fff.description
FROM fnd_form_functions_tl fff,
fnd_menu_entries fmec1,
fnd_menu_entries fmec,
fnd_menu_entries fmep
WHERE fmep.menu_id =
(SELECT menu_id
FROM fnd_menus
WHERE menu_name =
--Change the menu according to your requirement
AND fmep.sub_menu_id = fmec.menu_id(+)
AND fmec.sub_menu_id = fmec1.menu_id(+)
AND fff.function_id =
DECODE (fmep.function_id,
NULL, DECODE (fmec.function_id,
NULL, DECODE (fmec1.function_id,
NULL, -999,
ORDER BY DECODE (fmep.function_id,
NULL, DECODE (fmec.function_id,
NULL, DECODE (fmec1.function_id,
NULL, 'No Func',

Few Oracle Apps Technical Terms

Oracle Apps Technical Terms

Purchase Order
ACH: Account Clearance House

Sales Order
Pack Slip
Pick Slip
Drop Ship
Back Order
ASN: Advance Shipping Notice
ASBN: Advance Shipping Billing Notice
ATP: Available to Promise
Lot/Serial Number

DFF: Descriptive Flex Fields
KFF: Key Flex Fields
Value Sets
Business Unit
Multi Org
WHO Columns

Oracle Reports
Oracle Forms
Workflow Builder
SQL Developer
SQL Navigator
Discoverer Reports
XML/BI Publisher
ADI: Application Desktop Integrator

How to RETRY , REWIND and UPDATE ATTRIBUTES for Expense Report Workflows

How to RETRY , REWIND and UPDATE ATTRIBUTES for Expense Report Workflows


Log into Workflow Admin responsibility
Go to Administrator Workflow > Status Monitor
Key in the following values:
Type Internal Name: APEXP
User Key: Expense Report Number

Click Go
Select the Radio button and click on Activity History.

Select the Activity you want to RETRY say “Request Approval from APPROVER” and click on the Retry button on the top.

Click on Submit button in the next screen.

Confirm the details in the next page by clicking the OK button.


Log into Workflow Admin responsibility
Go to Administrator Workflow > Status Monitor
Key in the following values:
Type Internal Name: APEXP
User Key: Expense Report Number

Click Go
Select the Radio button and click on Activity History.

Select the Activity which you want to REWIND for example say “Request Approval from APPROVER” and click on the Rewind button on the bottom.

Choose the activity to which you want the workflow to return in the next screen and select the "Apply" button. This would REWIND the activity.


In the “Activity History” screen, click on the “Update Attributes” Button at the bottom. This opens up a page with all the attributes where you could update the necessary and hit “Apply” button to save the changes.

Expense Report Workflow Notifications

Expense Report Workflow Notifications

The mail status of the notification can be SENT, CANCELED, MAIL, UNAVAIL, ERROR, NULL. Let us see in detail about these and the actions required to get the notification to SENT status..

SENT: The notification has been successfully sent to the APPROVER.

CANCELED: The system is setup to send the notifications n times (n can be set in the workflow attributes) with a timeout after 5 days. If the Approver does not approve or reject within the time frame, the workflow will cancel the notification automatically and then the notification will end up in the status CANCELED.

Action: In such cases, RETRY would not work instead ask the preparer to withdraw and re-
submit the expense report.

MAIL: If the notification is not SENT to the approver, the status would be MAIL.

Action: Ask the DBA to bounce the workflow. This would solve the problem most times. But if it doesn’t i.e if the status is still MAIL, then RETRY the activity ‘Request Approval from APPROVER’ using the Workflow Administrator responsibility (demo below). If yet not sent, check the Attributes like Approver’s email etc.

BLANK: Sometimes the value of the status would be NULL.

Action: Sometimes even if the status is BLANK, the notification is sent to the approver. First check with the Approver to see if the notification is sent. If not sent, RETRY the activity.

UNAVAIL: This would happen usually when there is problem with the Approver’s preferences or Email address.

Action: Check the notification preference of the Approver using the below:

SELECT WFU.NAME, WFU.display_name,WFU.notification_preference, email_address ,wfu.status
WHERE in (‘NAME’) (NAME would be the user_name in FND_USER table)

The notification_preference can be set to one of the below
Make sure that it is set to MAILHTML
Also check if the email address returned in the above query is a valid one and matches with the one in HR Employee record (hr_employee table), fnd_user table and the outlook email address.
Also check if the status is ACTIVE in the above query, if the APPROVER is an existing employee and his FND_USER account is ACTIVE.


Action RETRY would solve this case.

Action: Check the ERROR and act accordingly. Some sample Errors:

--Failed Activity AP Validate Expense Report
Activity Type Function
Error Name -20001
Error Message ORA-20001: APP-SQLAP-10000: ORA-00984: column not allowed here occurred in AddDistributionLine with parameters (&PARAMETERS) while performing the following operation: parse cursor
Error Stack AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.APValidateExpenseReport(APEXP, 142459, 0, Call DoAPValidationORA-00984: column not allowed here occurred in AddDistributionLine with parameters (&PARAMETERS) while performing the following operation: parse cursor) Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.APVALIDATEEXPENSEREPORT, APEXP, 142459, 175587, RUN)

Check if the code combinations are all passed in correct and if it exists. There is something wrong in the data which results in this error. If the expense report errors out in this Stage i.e it has not passed the validation, Status in expense report header would not be WEBEXPENSE and hence cannot see this in AP.

--. No Approver/Performer ERROR:
Check to see if there is any supervisor assigned in HR
Check to see if Supervisor exists in USERS list and in HR.
If everything is fine, In the status monitor, query for the Item key
Click on Active History
Check Request approval from APPROVER, hit Update attributes.
Fill in the appropriate Manager Id (Employee ID), Manager name(WF_USER.NAME), Manager Display Name(WF_user.display_name), approver ID, approver name ,Approver display name and hit Apply.
Go back to Active history, Check Request approval from APPROVER, hit Rewind.

--DISCARD folder error:
Failed Activity Request Approval from APPROVER
Activity Type Notice
Error Message 2405: Notification '1251131' has bounced. Check mailer log and discard folder. STATUS=ERROR ROLE=ABHI

Ask the DBA to resend the notification from Workflow mailer. This is due to Mail Format or OUTLOOK version issues.

--Environment context Error:
Failed Activity Request Approval from APPROVER

Activity Type Notice

Error Name WF_ERROR
Error Message [WF_ERROR] ERROR_MESSAGE=3835: Error '-20001 - ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: APP-FND-02500: Error occurred during product initialization for MO when executing 'begin MO_GLOBAL.INIT; end;'. SQLCODE = -20001 SQLERROR = ORA-20001: APP-FND-02902: Multi-Org profile option is required. Please set either MO: Security Profile or MO: Operating Unit profile option. has been detected in FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE.' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event ''. ERROR_STACK= Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.CALLBACKFUNCTION, APEXP, 144392, SET_CTX) Wf_Engine_Util.Execute_Selector_Function(APEXP, 144392, SET_CTX) Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.CALLBACKFUNCTION, APEXP, 144392, TEST_CTX) Wf_Engine_Util.Execute_Selector_Function(APEXP, 144392, TEST_CTX) Wf_Engine.CB(TESTCTX, APEXP:144392:175390, ::::) Wf_Engine.oldCB(TESTCTX, APEXP:144392:175390, ::::) WF_MAIL.SetContext(1252292) WF_XML.GenerateDoc(, 1252292) WF_XML.Generate(, 1252292) WF_XML.Generate(, 1252292) Wf_Event.setMessage(, 1252292, WF_XML.Generate) Wf_Event.dispatch_internal()
Error Stack

RETRY would resolve the problem.

If all the attempts were futile in sending the notification to the Approver, the last action to resolve would be to ask the approver to go to IExpense responsibility and approve manually.

Expense report Workflow Notifications Error Handling

In this section we will mainly focus on the notifications that are sent to the APPROVER for the approval as it is very important to see that such notifications reach the APPROVER on time so that there is no delay in the processing of the expense report to avoid late fee enforced by the Credit Card company. These notifications will have the message_name as 'OIE_REQ_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPRVL' in wf_notifications table. The mail status of the notification can be SENT, CANCELED, MAIL, UNAVAIL, ERROR, NULL. Let us see in detail about these and the actions required to get the notification to SENT status..

The below is the script to check the notification status:

SELECT wn.notification_id, aerh.invoice_num,
TO_CHAR (wn.begin_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY hh:mi:ss') begin_date, wn.to_user,
wn.from_user, wr2.display_name preparer, wr3.display_name reported_for,
wn.status, wn.mail_status mail_status, aerh.expense_status_code,
wr.email_address,, aerh.report_submitted_date,
FROM wf_notifications wn,
wf_item_activity_statuses was,
wf_items wi,
ap_expense_report_headers_all aerh,
wf_roles wr,
wf_roles wr2,
fnd_user fu,
wf_roles wr3
WHERE 1 = 1
AND wn.notification_id = was.notification_id
AND was.item_type = wi.item_type
AND was.item_key = wi.item_key
AND wn.status IN ('OPEN', 'CANCELED')
AND aerh.invoice_num = wi.user_key
AND aerh.expense_status_code IN ('PENDMGR', 'RESOLUTN')
AND wn.recipient_role = wr.NAME(+)
AND wi.owner_role = wr2.NAME
AND aerh.employee_id = fu.employee_id
AND fu.user_name = wr3.NAME(+)

Script for bouncing the Apache

Script for bouncing the Apache

Stop$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$TWO_TASK*/ stop

$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$TWO_TASK*/ start